Supported Sessions

Supported Sessions

Supporter  Date Time
Durban Time SAST
Hall Session Agenda
Pfizer Tuesday, 14 November 11:00 – 12:30 Hall A Click Here 
Recording of the session will be available on the Virtual Platform upon company’s approval.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Tuesday, 14 November 12:45 –  14:15 Hall A Click Here
Session will be livestreamed to the Virtual Platform.
Recording of the session will be available on the Virtual Platform upon company’s approval.
Pfizer Tuesday, 14 November 14:45 – 16:15 Hall A Coming soon…
Sanofi Wednesday, 15 November 12:45 – 14:15 Hall A Click Here 
Session will be livestreamed to the Virtual Platform.
Recording of the session will be available on the Virtual Platform upon company’s approval.
bioMerieux Wednesday, 15 November 18:00 – 19:30 Hall A Click Here 
Recording of the session will be available on the Virtual Platform upon company’s approval.
MSD Thursday, 16 November 12:30 – 14:00 Hall A Click Here 
Session will be livestreamed to the Virtual Platform.
Recording of the session will be available on the Virtual Platform upon company’s approval.